Substance abuse counselors are not necessarily required to be licensed but they must be credentialed or at times under supervision to work with the addiction population. During the supervision experience, supervisees will work with an individual who is credentialed and meets the supervisor’s requirement through the Virginia Board of Counseling. The credentialed individual will complete the necessary paperwork for the supervisees to submit to the Board of Counseling to request approval for supervision. CSAC supervision will not begin until supervisees have received approval from the Board of Counseling. Once CSAC supervision has started, supervisees are responsible for completing the required hours of supervision that are outlined by the Board of Counseling. After supervision hours are completed, supervisees may submit appropriate documentation to the Board of Counseling to obtain approval to take the examination.
Substance abuse counselors are not necessarily required to be licensed but they must be credentialed or at times under supervision to work with the addiction population. During the supervision experience, supervisees will work with an individual who is credentialed and meets the supervisor’s requirement through the Virginia Board of Counseling. The credentialed individual will complete the necessary paperwork for the supervisees to submit to the Board of Counseling to request approval for supervision. CSAC supervision will not begin until supervisees have received approval from the Board of Counseling. Once CSAC supervision has started, supervisees are responsible for completing the required hours of supervision that is outlined by the Board of Counseling. After supervision hours are completed, supervisees may submit appropriate documentation to the Board of Counseling to obtain approval to take the examination.
* Interested in either supervision, fill out the inquiry form below: